Anything to chat text to me on my camera phone mobile number are 4407845503962 or chat instant message to my e-mail address is or only any national international women like bisexual, biwomen, born with
I am
United Kingdom

Looking for

I am born in St' Mary Hospital at Birmingham in England with near my first twin sister but she born in end of my year at 1984 in November but I am half Bangladeshi and Full English, I Can not smoke because I got a Athsma. I can not drink and eat pork because I am Islam, I got a 6 near 7 family but 1 young brother born and past away after in Cardiff at South Wales, my 2 older brother born in Bangladesh, 1 other young sister born in Cardiff at South Wales, finish youngest brother born same place at 1998, my first near twin young sister got marry in 2006 plus two year later she have a son and next two year later at this summer went and she have a daughter plus I am there uncle plus end of this summer my younger sister got marry too, I am so real very badly cry, fun, hot, mad, sad, shy, wow, best, care,cool, cute, firm, good, help, kind, mess,nice, rude, sexy, soft, warm, wild, anger, clean, cross, dirty, flirt, funny, great, happy, horny, nasty, scare, smart, super, trust, upset, friend, honest, smart, super, trust, upset, friend, honest, lovely, superb, chatbox, darling, unhappy, palpale, perfect, amazing, absolute, beautiful, brillant, enjoyable, excellent, fantasy, frighter, gorgoues, honey bunny, naughter, sweetheart, the ultimate and wonderful plus I got a speak and langu problem because I will be so real very badly scare to talk to brand new people on my moblie phone and if I don't know brand new people because I will go so real very badly fast to brand new people but if I chat instant message to brand new people on this site and slow I will want to know brand new people to be stronger talk to brand new people from my moblie phone, I live with my family because I am so real very badly scare of aloneI support Ajax, Barcelona, Liverpool, Paris St G, Parma, Ranger football club plus Ferrari F1, I like lister Blue, Hip Pop without rude, any sweet National International song, Jazz, Pop, little bit of Rock Band, Soul, I like play on sony playstation 3, I like watch a action, adventurn, comedia, cop, cartoon, little bit drama, martal art, porn, romanic, treasure, tri movie, I am so real very badly shy single men. What type women wanted? bright yellow hair, Bright Pink, Bright green eyes lady, Nice Arse, nice bigs boobs without Plastic boobs but you have a cancer in your boobs and do need a plastic boobs and I will still like you and help you to fight boobs cancer in your life too, Lesbians, Twins Sister, I can anywomen with promblem with them on the internet, I wanted to be penpale on the internet, Shy. What country women? England, Wales, Brazil, Mexico, France, Spain, U.S.A, Austraila, Italy, Russia, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Poland, Czech Rep, Croatic, Canada, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, New Zealand, South Africa. What type women Like? Non Drink, Non Eat Pork, Non Smoke. What Type Women Wanted to chatting box On The Internet Because I To Shy to Talk of women and men, Kind, Friendly, Helpful, Honest, Happy. Any Of Women.