Overcoming a relationship breakup is never easy. Learning the ins and outs of how to win your ex back is something I want to share with you right now.

So many people take the wrong approach to getting their ex back, and I think that is just sad. These people believe that they must go all-out in pursuing their ex and get them back. However, this is the furthest from the truth. If you really want to get him or her back, follow the advice below exactly.

First, you must get it into your head that you should avoid chasing after your ex. Too many armchair relationship β€œexperts” will tell you that winning love back involves an aggressive pursuit. They will tell you to start sending lots of text messages or calling at odd hours of the day or night. Some may even advise showing up at their place of work or at their home to chat.

Of course, this is totally the incorrect approach. It makes you look needy and clingy. Truth is, people find other people attractive when they come from a position of strength and self-respect. On the other hand, if you come across as desperate, you will be perceived as someone to stay away from instead of gravitate toward.

Instead of acting in a way that could open you up to manipulation or just being ignored by your ex, you need to do what will make him or her come back to you.

For example, if you still happen to see him or her in public such as at bars or out on the town, try giving all of your attention to the other members of the opposite sex in the room – but not them. By ignoring your ex, you make them want you.

To up the ante a bit, try going out on a date with one of the acquaintances of your ex. Send your ex a text message asking about what your friend likes to do or eat. In other words, let them know indirectly that you will be going out with their friend. If they still harbor any feelings of caring for you, they will definitely not like this move on your part. They may just get insanely jealous!

If you prefer to avoid playing any kind of head games with your ex, there is one sure-fire way to win this game: be genuinely happy. That is, find your happy place inside. Find your confident side that loves life and is not afraid to show it. People who seem to have it all, who do not need something outside of themselves to make them happy – are attractive.

So, start a fitness regimen. Go out with your friends. Start doing a hobby that you have not yet had the time to try. Go out with other people. Even if you have to pretend a bit initially, soon you will really gravitate to a place where you really are very happy. And that is sexy.

By trying these things, if your ex still has even an ounce of caring and love for you, they may just come running in your direction.